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インパクトファックター (IF) 合計 185.942点(Transplantation Proceeding を除く)
1. Akiyoshi T, Zhang Q, Inoue F, Aramaki O, Hatano M, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Shirasugi N, Niimi M. Induction of indefinite survival of fully mismatched cardiac allografts and generation of regulatory cells by sarpogrelate hydrochloride. Transplantation 2006,82(8):10,82(8):1051-59 (IF=3.568) |
2. Ikeda Y, Morita N, Kurihara H, Niimi M, Okinaga K. A primary aortoesophageal fistula due to esophageal carcinoma successfully treated with endoluminal aortic stent grafting. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;131(2):486-7 (IF=3.263) |
3. Shibutani S, Inoue F, Aramaki O, Akiyama Y, Matsumoto K, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Shirasugi N, Niimi M. Effects of immunosuppressants on induction of regulatory cells after intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2005;79(8):904-13. (IF=3.568) |
4. Aramaki O, Inoue F, Takayama T, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Okumura K, Yagita H, Shirasugi N, Niimi M. Interleukin-10 but not transforming growth factor-beta is essential for generation and suppressor function of regulatory cells induced by intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2005;79(5):568-76. (IF=3.568) |
5. Yokoyama T, Aramaki O, Takayama T, Takano S, Zhang Q, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Shirasugi N, Niimi M. Selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor induces indefinite survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts and generates CD4+ regulatory cells. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005;130(4):1167-74. (IF=3.263) |
6. Aramaki O, Shirasugi N, Takayama T, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Azuma M, Okumura K, Yagita H, Niimi M. Programmed death-1-programmed death-L1 interaction is essential for induction of regulatory cells by intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2004;77(1):6-12. (IF=3.568) |
7. Ikeda Y, Kurihara H, Niimi M, Kodaira S. Esophageal intramural spreading from an adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Hepatogastroenterology 2004;51(59):1382-3. (IF=0.696) |
8. Shatari T, Fujita M, Nozawa K, Haku K, Niimi M, Ikeda Y, Kann S, Kodaira S. Vascular anatomy for right colon lymphadenectomy. Surg Radiol Anat 2003;25(2):86-8. Epub 2003 Jun 7. (IF=0.369) |
9. Ikeda Y, Tobari S, Niimi M, Kodaira S, Okinaga K. Second primary double carcinomas of the residual cervical esophagus and the gastric tube after thoracic esophagectomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003;125(6):1561-2. (IF=3.263) |
10. Ikeda Y, Tobari S, Niimi M, Kan S, Takami H, Kodaira S. Reliable cervical anastomosis through the retrosternal route with stepwise gastric tube. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003;125(6):1306-12. (IF=3.263) |
11. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Niimi M, Kan S. Clinical benefits in endoscopic thyroidectomy by the axillary approach. J Am Coll Surg 2003;196(2):189-95. (IF=2.273) |
12. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Kan S, Shatari T, Takami H, Kodaira S. Conformal radiation therapy for liver metastasis of esophageal carcinoma. Hepatogastroenterology 2003;50(50):532-4. (IF=0.696) |
13. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Takami H, Kodaira S. Successfully treated carcinoma erysipeloides from gastric cancer. Ann Oncol 2003;14(8):1328-9. (IF=4.335) |
14. Uchida N, Shirasugi N, Akiyama Y, Matsumoto K, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Hamano K, Aramaki O, Ikeda Y, Niimi M. Induction of indefinite survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts and generation of regulatory cells by intratracheal delivery of alloantigens under blockade of the CD40 pathway. Transplantation 2003;75(6):878-84. (IF=3.568) |
15. Shirasugi N, Akiyama Y, Aramaki O, Shibutani S, Matsumoto K, Bashuda H, Yagita H, Okumura K, Ikeda Y, Niimi M. Role of the CTLA4 pathway in hyporesponsiveness induced by intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2003;75(10):1636-9. (IF=3.568) |
16. Aramaki O, Takayama T, Yokoyama T, Takano S, Akiyama Y, Shibutani S, Matsumoto K, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Shirasugi N, Niimi M. High dose of antithrombin III induces indefinite survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts and generates regulatory cells. Transplantation 2003;75(2):217-20. (IF=3.568) |
17. Aramaki O, Shirasugi N, Akiyama Y, Shibutani S, Takayama T, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Okumura K, Yagita H, Niimi M. CD27/CD70, CD134/CD134 ligand, and CD30/CD153 pathways are independently essential for generation of regulatory cells after intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2003;76(5):772-6. (IF=3.568) |
18. Aramaki O, Shirasugi N, Akiyama Y, Takayama T, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Niimi M. Induction of operational tolerance and generation of regulatory cells after intratracheal delivery of alloantigen combined with nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody. Transplantation 2003;76(9):1305-14. (IF=3.568) |
19. Aramaki O, Shirasugi N, Akiyama Y, Ikeda Y, Yabuki S, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Niimi M. Prolonged survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts in naive mice and those with sensitization induced by antigen delivery through the respiratory tract. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003;126(3):853-4. (IF=3.263) |
20. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Kan S, Takami H, Kodaira S. Thoracoscopic esophagectomy combined with mediastinoscopy via the neck. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73(4):1329-31. (IF=2.244) |
21. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J. Endoscopic total parathyroidectomy by the anterior chest approach for renal hyperparathyroidism. Surg Endosc 2002;16(2):320-2. Epub 2001 Nov 12. (IF=1.962) |
22. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J. Endoscopic thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy by the axillary approach. A preliminary report. Surg Endosc 2002;16(1):92-5. Epub 2001 Nov 12. . (IF=1.962) |
23. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Niimi M, Kan S. Comparative study of thyroidectomies. Endoscopic surgery versus conventional open surgery. Surg Endosc 2002;16(12):1741-5. Epub 2002 Jul 29. . (IF=1.962) |
24. Shatari T, Fujita M, Nozawa K, Haku K, Niimi M, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Kodaira S. Feasibility of dividing the main vessels for enhancement of dynamic graciloplasty. Surg Today 2002;32(11):974-80. |
25. Niimi M, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Takami H. Superficialization of hemodialysis access using a video-assisted procedure. Surg Endosc 2002;16(1):218. Epub 2001 Oct 19. . (IF=1.962) |
26. Niimi M, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Takami H, Furui S, Takeshita K. Re: spontaneous rupture of an intercostal artery due to neurofibromatosis type I disease treated by percutaneous embolization. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2002;25(2):160-1. Epub 2002 Feb 19. (IF=0.952) |
27. Akiyama Y, Shirasugi N, Aramaki O, Matsumoto K, Shimazu M, Kitajima M, Ikeda Y, Niimi M. Intratracheal delivery of a single major histocompatibility complex class I peptide induced prolonged survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts and generated regulatory cells. Hum Immunol 2002;63(10):888-92. (IF=2.664) |
28. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Tajima G, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kurihara H, Niimi M. Total endoscopic thyroidectomy: axillary or anterior chest approach. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl 1):72s-78s. (IF=1.826) |
29. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Tajima G, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kurihara H, Niimi M. Laparoscopic partial adrenalectomy. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl 1):126s-131s. (IF=1.826) |
30. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Tajima G, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kurihara H, Niimi M. Direct mini-incision thyroidectomy. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl 1):60s-63s. (IF=1.826) |
31. Akiyama Y, Shirasugi N, Uchida N, Matsumoto K, Kitajima M, Bashuda H, Yagita H, Okumura K, Aramaki O, Niimi M. B7/CTLA4 pathway is essential for generating regulatory cells after intratracheal delivery of alloantigen in mice. Transplantation 2002;74(5):732-8. (IF=3.568) |
32. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kan S, Niimi M. Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy and lymphadenectomy for micropapillary carcinoma of the thyroid. J Surg Oncol 2002;80(4):218-21. (IF=1.758) |
33. Ikeda Y, Sasaki Y, Niimi M, Kan S, Takami H, Kodaira S. Hand-assisted laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy with jejunal interposition and lymphadenectomy. J Am Coll Surg 2002;195(4):578-81. . (IF=2.273) |
34. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Tajima G, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kurihara H, Niimi M. Total endoscopic parathyroidectomy. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl 1):22s-25s. (IF=1.826) |
35. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Tajima G, Sasaki Y, Takayama J, Kurihara H, Niimi M. Direct mini-incision parathyroidectomy. Biomed Pharmacother 2002;56(Suppl 1):14s-17s. (IF=1.826) |
36. Niimi M, Shirasugi N, Hamano K, Esato K, Matsumoto K, Ikeda Y, Shatari T, Takami H, Kodaira S. Oral delivery of xeno-antigen combined with non-depleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody induces significantly prolonged survival of concordant skin xenograft. Xenotransplantation 2001;8(1):75-9. (IF=2.876) |
37. Niimi M, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Shirasugi N, Hamano K. Indefinite survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts induced by antigen delivery through the alimentary tract. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122(3):629-30. (IF=3.263) |
38. Niimi M, Shirasugi N, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Takami H, Hamano K. Importance of thymus to maintain operational tolerance to fully allogeneic cardiac grafts. Ann Thorac Surg 2001;72(3):735-9. (IF=2.244) |
39. Niimi M. The technique for heterotopic cardiac transplantation in mice: experience of 3000 operations by one surgeon. J Heart Lung Transplant 2001;20(10):1123-8. (IF=2.831) |
40. Niimi M, Shirasugi N, Ikeda Y, Kan S, Takami H, Hamano K. Operational tolerance induced by pretreatment with donor dendritic cells under blockade of CD40 pathway. Transplantation 2001;72(9):1556-62. (IF=3.568) |
41. Takami H, Ikeda Y, Takayama J, Sasaki Y, Kan S, Niimi M, Inada E, Kameyama K. Adrenal-sparing adrenalectomy in hereditary bilateral phaeochromocytoma. ANZ J Surg 2001;71(10):623-4. (IF=0.742) |
42. Shirasugi N, Ikeda Y, Akiyama Y, Matsumoto K, Hamano K, Esato K, Bashuda H, Yagita H, Okumura K, Takami H, Kodaira S, Niimi M. Induction of hyporesponsiveness to fully allogeneic cardiac grafts by intratracheal delivery of alloantigen. Transplantation 2001;71(4):561-4. (IF=3.568) |
43. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Kan S, Shatari T, Takami H, Kodaira S. Clinical significance of tissue blood flow during esophagectomy by laser Doppler flowmetry. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122(6):1101-6. (IF=3.263) |
44. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J. Endoscopic thyroidectomy by the axillary approach. Surg Endosc 2001;15(11):1362-4. . (IF=1.962) |
45. Hara M, Kingsley CI, Niimi M, Read S, Turvey SE, Bushell AR, Morris PJ, Powrie F, Wood KJ. IL-10 is required for regulatory T cells to mediate tolerance to alloantigens in vivo. J Immunol 2001;166(6):3789-96. (IF=6.486) |
46. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Sasaki Y, Shatari T, Takami H, Kodaira S. Thoracoscopic repair of a spontaneous perforation of the esophagus with the endoscopic suturing device. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;121(1):178-9. (IF=3.263) |
47. Ikeda Y, Takami H, 5 Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J. Laparoscopic partial or cortical-sparing adrenalectomy by dividing the adrenal central vein. Surg Endosc 2001;15(7):747-50. Epub 2001 Apr 3. . (IF=1.962) |
48. Ikeda Y, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Shatari T, Takami H, Kodaira S. Mediastinoscopic esophagectomy using carbon dioxide insufflation via the neck approach. Surgery 2001;129(4):504-6. (IF=2.355) |
49. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Sasaki Y, Kan S, Niimi M. Endoscopic resection of thyroid tumors by the axillary approach. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 2000;41(5):791-2. (IF=0.800) |
50. Lutz MB, Suri RM, Niimi M, Ogilvie AL, Kukutsch NA, Rossner S, Schuler G, Austyn JM. Immature dendritic cells generated with low doses of GM-CSF in the absence of IL-4 are maturation resistant and prolong allograft survival in vivo. Eur J Immunol 2000;30(7):1813-22. (IF=5.005) |
51. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Sasaki Y, Kan S, Niimi M. Endoscopic neck surgery by the axillary approach. J Am Coll Surg 2000;191(3):336-40. (IF=2.273) |
52. Shatari T, Niimi M, Fujita M, Kodaira S. Vascular anatomy of gracilis muscle: arterial findings to enhance graciloplasty. Surg Radiol Anat 2000;22(1):21-4. (IF=0.369) |
53. Takami H, Shirahama S, Ikeda Y, Sasaki Y, Wada N, Niimi M, Kameyama K. Familial hyperparathyroidism. Biomed Pharmacother 2000;54(Suppl 1):21s-24s. (IF=1.826) |
54. Gilot BJ, Hara M, Jones ND, van Maurik A, Niimi M, Hadjianastassiou V, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Visualization of the in vivo generation of donor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells during mouse cardiac allograft rejection: in vivo effector CD8+ T cell generation during allograft rejection. Transplantation 2000;69(4):639-48. (IF=3.568) |
55. Niimi M, Takashina M, Takami H, Shirasugi N, Hamano K, Esato K, Matsumoto K, Ikeda Y, Shatari T, Kodaira S, Kameyama K. Experimental parathyroid transplantation: human parathyroid grafts survived and functioned in mice treated with anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody. Biomed Pharmacother 2000;54(Suppl 1):80s-82s. (IF=1.826) |
56. Niimi M, Takashina M, Takami H, Ikeda Y, Shatari T, Hamano K, Esato K, Matsumoto K, Kameyama K, Kodaira S, Wood KJ. Overexpression of heme oxygenase-1 protects allogeneic thyroid grafts from rejection in naive mice. Surgery 2000;128(6):910-7. (IF=2.355) |
57. Niimi M, Witzke O, Bushell A, Hara M, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody enhances the ability of oral alloantigen delivery to induce indefinite survival of cardiac allografts: oral tolerance to alloantigen. Transplantation 2000;70(10):1524-8. (IF=3.568) |
58. Niimi M, Jones ND, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Evidence that non-deletional mechanisms are responsible for inducing and maintaining unresponsiveness after intrathymic injection of non-professional antigen presenting cells. J Heart Lung Transplant 2000;19(6):576-83. (IF=2.831) |
59. Niimi M, Roelen DL, Witzke O, van Rood JJ, Claas FH, Wood KJ. The importance of H2 haplotype sharing in the induction of specific unresponsiveness by pretransplant blood transfusions. Transplantation 2000;69(3):411-7. (IF=3.568) |
60. Takami H, Niimi M, Ikeda Y. Prognosis of a family with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 1999;18(2):223-4. (IF=0.609) |
61. Takami H, Ikeda Y, Niimi M. Ultrasonically activated scalpel for subtotal thyroidectomy in Graves' disease. Am J Surg 1999;178(5):433-4. (IF=2.349) |
62. Bushell A, Niimi M, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Evidence for immune regulation in the induction of transplantation tolerance: a conditional but limited role for IL-4. J Immunol 1999;162(3):1359-66. (IF=6.486) |
63. Roelen DL, Bushell AR, Niimi M, Young NT, Rust NA, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Immunoregulation by CD4 T cells in the induction of specific immunological unresponsiveness to alloantigens in vivo: evidence for a reduction in the frequency of alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. Hum Immunol 1998;59(9):529-39. (IF=2.664) |
64. Niimi M, Jones ND, Pajaro OB, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Intrathymic administration of B cells induces prolonged survival of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts without prolonged deletion of donor-specific thymocytes. Transpl Immunol 1998;6(3):177-81. (IF=1.907) |
65. Niimi M, Pearson TC, Larsen CP, Alexander DZ, Hollenbaugh D, Aruffo A, Linsley PS, Thomas E, Campbell K, Fanslow WC, Geha RS, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. The role of the CD40 pathway in alloantigen-induced hyporesponsiveness in vivo. J Immunol 1998;161(10):5331-7. (IF=6.486) |
66. Niimi M, Hara M, Witzke O, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Donor resting B cells induce indefinite prolongation of fully allogeneic cardiac grafts when delivered with anti-immunoglobulin-D monoclonal antibody: evidence for tolerogenicity of donor resting B cells in vivo. Transplantation 1998;66(12):1786-92. (IF=3.568) |
67. Niimi M, Roelen DL, Wong W, Hara M, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Resting B cells as tolerogens in vivo but only for minor histocompatibility antigens: evidence for activation of resting B cells in vivo. Transplantation 1997;64(9):1330-5. (IF=3.568) |
68. Niimi M, Rawsthorne MA, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. B7-2+ low density APCS are as effective as B7-2- small resting B cells in inducing specific unresponsiveness to minor histocompatibility (miH) antigen(s) in vivo. Adv Exp Med Biol 1997;417:265-8. (IF=0.642) |
69. Roelen DL, Dover EL, Niimi M, Young NT, Morris PJ, Wood KJ. Semi-allogeneic (F1) versus fully allogeneic blood transfusions: differences in their ability to induce specific immunological unresponsiveness. Eur J Immunol 1996;26(7):1468-74. . (IF=5.005) |